First Time attending the Latin Mass

If you are new to the Latin Mass or would like to start coming for the Traditional Latin Mass. Following are some general guidelines to help you feel more at ease at a Latin Mass. These are some general guidelines for most Masses, there may be slightly different provisions made at a particular parish or Mass.






Needless to say, please dress cleanly, neatly and modestly as you would for any Holy Mass.

It is suggested Men wear a shirt with a collar (polo shirt or buttoned shirt), with or without jacket and tie, dress slacks, and closed, polished leather shoes (loafers, oxfords, etc.).


Ladies may wear dress blouses and slacks or skirts, but nothing tight fitting or cut too low on the neck or too high on the leg (i.e, at or below the knee). For your comfort, check that your shoes won’t get caught on your skirt when you kneel.



VEILS FOR WOMEN ARE NOT REQUIRED,  BUT YOU MAY WEAR ONE IF YOU CHOOSE.  If you wish to wear a veil, by all means please do! This is one situation where you will not be the only one wearing one! Contrary to popular (mis)belief, veils were neither banned nor suppressed by the Church; rather, the rule was omitted from the latest edition of Canon Law so veils are no longer mandatory. Put more simply, it is up to you whether or not to partake in this very ancient, very beautiful, and uniquely feminine (i.e., a privilege reserved only for women) way to express devotion to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and to imitate the example of Our Lady and other holy women.

Getting a missal. Latin and English missals are available for sale online or local religious bookstores. Some of these missals are generously filled with information about what is occurring during different parts of the Mass (which may be especially helpful during silent periods). These missals may also instruct you when to sit, kneel, or stand. So, simply follow along in the book.

– If you don’t already have a Missal at home to bring to Mass, no worries! Usually, there will be some Mass booklets available for you to use for the Ordinary of the Mass, and leaflets with the Propers (readings particular to that day’s Mass).

– Not enough Missals? Lose your place in the Missal? Don’t worry. Just keep adoring Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and soon enough you’ll recognize what is happening on the altar. Prayer is lifting up your heart and mind to God. And the Sacrifice of the Mass is the highest prayer of the Church, offered for four purposes: Adoration, Atonement, Petition, and Thanksgiving. Thus, as long as you remain focused on offering the sacrifice with the priest, you are actively and actually participating.




When you arrive at the Church:

To sit closer. To best see what is going on at Mass, you may want to sit towards the front of the church (although you might want to initially avoid the very first couple of pews, since you may not yet know when to kneel, stand, or sit). If possible, sit near a friendly person who is familiar with the Mass and can quietly assist you in finding your place in the missal.

Prepare yourself. Before the Mass begins, you should privately offer various prayers (usually contained in the Missal) and be recollected and prepared for the day’s Mass. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to the right path.


When the Mass begins:

Pay attention to the altar. Once the Mass begins, simply follow along in the Missal.

– Try to pay attention especially to what the priest is doing. Even if you don’t understand (or hear) the words, you should be able to pick up what is going on by the externals. And, should you accidentally “mess up” by sitting, standing, or keeling at the wrong time, don’t feel too bad – it’s probably happened to everyone at least once. Sometimes it’s most helpful to follow the majority of parishioner who do know when to sit, stand, or kneel.

– If you are able to follow in the Missal, pray the Mass silently. Part of the altar server’s job at the Latin Mass is to pray on your behalf.  If you have lost your place in the Missal, remain calm, continue to pray the prayers in the Missal, and most of all, adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.



Any Catholic in a state of grace, who has fasted from all food and drinks besides water and medicines for one hour or more, is welcome to receive Holy Communion.


However, if you do not believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, or if you have committed mortal sin(s) that you have not confessed, please, do not compound your sin and jeopardize your immortal soul by committing the sacrilege of receiving Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin. Normally, confession is available before and after the Mass. It is safe to contact the parish and ask for the confession time. We are happy to hear confession any day or time.


Be aware that at the traditional Latin Mass, Holy Communion is received ONLY on the tongue, and ONLY at the altar rail or at the kneelers at the foot of the altar.



When receiving Holy Communion at Latin Mass, you DO NOT need to say “AMEN”. The priest will say a prayer in Latin and say Amen for you as he places Christ’s sacred Body and Blood on your tongue. Tip your head back as far as you are comfortable and put out your tongue as far as you are able, to avoid any accidents.




If you are physically unable to kneel due to health problems (such arthritis, knee replacements, pacemakers, vertigo, etc.) you may remain standing at the rail, or notifying the priest before Mass, so he will bring you Holy Communion at your seat, but again, there is no reception of Holy Communion in the hand at Latin Mass, only on the tongue! Put out your tongue as far as you can and DO NOT say “AMEN”.


Remember that the reaction to one’s first Latin Mass may vary from tears (“I can’t believe they took this away from me”, “It’s so beautiful”, etc.) to mixed feelings (“It was okay, but…”), or even to disapproval (“I don’t get it”). Should your first experience of the Latin Mass be in any way unfavorable, remember that the most important thing is not to give up. Remember that the Tridentine Latin Mass is different than the ordinary form of the Mass, for us – human being, we need time to adjust new environment.

Most of all, RELAX! Lift up your heart – Sursum corda! It is a joy to give up your heart to the Lord and worship Him in “the beauty of His Holy Temple” and to give Him “thanks for His great glory”



Try to learn or understand as much as possible about the Latin Mass. It seems that the more one knows about it, the more one loves it. One thing is important that you should never let a negative first impression turn you away from what might be one of the biggest blessings in your entire life. 



Once you’ve attended “the Mass of the Saints” a few times, you should begin to feel more comfortable. If you keep attending, pay attention, and participate through interior prayer, it is likely that your appreciation for it will begin to grow rapidly. In fact, the Latin Mass may soon capture your heart like it has so many other Catholics over the centuries. 


If you have any question and concern, please contact Fr Paul Leung, who will be happy to assist you.


More information on the reason for going to the Latin Mass, can be found here below.

Why the Extraordinary Form

We hope you can find the right place where you can focus on God alone and be able to deepen your spiritual life.