Men of St Joseph

Who We Are:

The Men of St. Joseph is a group of Catholic men united under the Latin Mass Chaplaincy in Canberra. We meet monthly to pray together and deepen our faith, striving to imitate the example of St. Joseph. Our mission is to live lives of virtue and holiness and to be the spiritual leaders for our families.



Meeting Schedule:

When: 2nd Wednesday of Every Month
Where: Sts Peter and Paul Church, Garran


Meeting Agenda:

  • 5:30 PM – Recitation of the Holy Rosary:
    Begin the evening with a heartfelt recitation of the Rosary, seeking the intercession of Our Lady and St. Joseph.

  • 6:00 PM – Holy Mass:
    Participate in the Holy Mass, during which a priest will give a short talk on the life and virtue of St. Joseph, focusing on masculinity and fatherhood.

  • 7:15 PM – Dinner:
    Enjoy a shared meal together, fostering fellowship and community spirit.

  • 8:15 PM – Discussion:
    Engage in meaningful discussion about the talk, sharing insights and reflections on how to emulate St. Joseph’s virtues in our daily lives.

  • 8:45 PM – Final Prayer and Pack Up:
    Conclude the evening with a final prayer and help with packing up and cleaning the space.

How to Get Involved:

If you have any questions or would like to join the Men of St. Joseph, please contact Fr. Leung for more information.


Come and be inspired by the life of St. Joseph as we grow in faith and fellowship. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our next meeting!