

Fr Paul Leung, FSSP

Fr Paul Leung, originally from Hong Kong, joined the FSSP formation house (Ezechiel house) in Sydney in 2007. After his first year discerning with the FSSP, he went over to the major seminary in Nebraska for his further studies. He was ordained in 2014 in Omaha, Nesbraska. Later, he was assigned to work at our parish at Lewisham, Sydney for 3 years, before he was transferred to Parramatta in 2018. After working for two years, he was transferred to the apostolate in Canberra. 

Assistant Priest

Fr Boyce

Fr Adrian Wee, FSSP

Fr Brendan Boyce was born in the South Island of New Zealand in Nelson. He entered Ezechiel House in 2013 and went over to the major seminary in Nebraska. He was ordained in 2021 in New Zealand. Later he was assigned to work at our parish at Lewisham, Sydney for 1 year and was stationed in Parramatta before he came to Canberra in Feb 2023.